The Story
Armando Poggi Florence
A historic shop, its origins, our history, a fairy tale that began more than eighty years ago

The Duomo since 1436, Armando Poggi since 1936
The year in which the Fiat 500 Topolino was presented, on March 9, Armando Poggi realized his dream: to open a shop that would meet people's new style needs, with high-value and design objects. First with just one window, then two more, added in 1950.

From 1956 to 1960
Awards, British and French Week
In those windows tourists and citizens mirror themselves, looking for and dreaming of jewels or furnishing elements capable of embellishing life, dressing a new way of expressing their own sensitivity. Those same installations earn Armando Poggi recurring awards, including those obtained directly from the ambassadors during the British week first and then the French one.

The Flood
The flood of 1966 hit Florence: 100 million cubic meters of water poured down on the city, causing huge damage. For Armando too, it was an unexpected difficulty, which he faced with great dedication and tenacity. The same dedication that was shown by all the citizens, quickly restoring the city to its elegant and unique beauty, thanks also to the help of the “mud angels”, coming from all over the world.

Maurizio Poggi joins the company
Maurizio grew up in the halls of his father's shop, with a two-tone pencil in his hand to sign or write something down, and the clinking of the keys of the Olivetti typewriter. And it was in 1968 that he entered the company, bringing the wind of renewal that was blowing everywhere in the world.

In the workshop that belonged to Donatello
Armando Poggi becomes a symbol for Florence and the Florentines and that is how he opens a large showroom in Piazza del Duomo, in via dei Calzaiuoli, exactly in the same building where centuries before Donatello had his workshop. Precisely in the footsteps of the masters of Italian art.

Andrea and Silvia Poggi with their grandfather Armando
A new generation of Poggis is starting to move through the store's halls!

Andrea Poggi officially joins the company
Florentine father, American mother, the baton reaches the third generation, with Andrea . After 10 years in the States, 4 of which in Boston at Babson College Business University, Andrea brings his enthusiasm to the family business. The year is 2010, the year of an incredible snowfall, new dreams and projects to realize.

Award “The most beautiful Christmas window display in Florence”
Armando Poggi's Christmas windows, always famous, are enriched with a magical, innovative touch and are awarded by the Florentines as the most beautiful.

New Pandora Store Opening
Armando Poggi becomes an ambassador of new trends. Quality is also synonymous with innovation and intuition. Armando Poggi chooses to interpret and dress the new trends and opens his historic Pandora store.

Celebrations for 80 years of activity
A great historical achievement, due to the continuous commitment, passion and dedication of the entire family and all the employees! 80 is a truly important number, we celebrated it with all of Florence, but above all with our large family, made up of parents, children, grandchildren and above all employees, collaborators and customers.

Anniversary 85 years of activity
“From my grandmother to my aunts to my mother when they wanted a beautiful elegant object they took me to Poggi now I take my daughter and my grandchildren there these are the shops that make Florence unique” - Elisabetta Paci

Rebranding Armando Poggi, with 88 years of activity
A story that looks to the future...
Some stories are like precious jewels: they are born in art and transform over time. Watch with us the transformation of our logo, from 1936 until today. A story of elegance and innovation that continues to shine through the years. 2024 was the year of rebranding, where we renewed our logo, sign and packaging embracing sustainability and the search for novelty, never forgetting our roots.